Friday, August 22, 2014

Drum beats with Hydrogen

Hydrogen is an easy to use but advanced drum machine for GNU Linux. You can get into making some drum beats very quickly. It installs from terminal by issuing the following command:

apt-get install hydrogen
You'll love it.

Dr Drumbeat maker for Windows and Mac.

GIMP GNU Image Manpulation Program

I love GIMP. It's my favorite program for quickly editing photos and creating graphics. I've editing icons for graphical user interfaces with GIMP and it is more than sufficient to handle most graphic design projects. To install GIMP just open terminal and issue the following comand.
apt-get install gimp
It installs very quickly. You'll find the interface is pretty intuitive to use like most graphics editing programs. The is usually a complete manual that comes out for each new version of GIMP. So learning the software is pretty easy.

But in all fairness if you want to buy a Photoshop course. I'll make that link available as well.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

sorting strings with BASH

Sorting strings with BASH. Example email addresses: Say I want to invite my some of my old class mates to an event. But I don't have a mailing list. I do ,however, have a huge list of text files from my classes which contain the all the authors' email addresses. This is what I will to extract the email addresses.

First we'll use grep to grab all of the strings that look like email addresses by issuing a command like this:

grep -hrio "\b[a-z0-9.-]\+@[a-z0-9.-]\+\.[a-z]\{2,4\}\+\b" * > file.txt

Then we'll want to sort them into some kind of order but more importantly we'll remove all of the non-unique email addresses from the list.

sort -i file.txt | uniq -u > newfile.txt

Then we will remove the .mil and .gov domain extensions for obvious reasons.

sed -i '/.gov/d' newfile.txt
sed -i '/.mil/d' newfile.txt

Get a line count to see how many email we have.

sed -n '$=' newfile.txt

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Size of computers

This is what computers used to look like. Any decent smart phone will do more than this computer that took up entire buildings did back in the day.

Here's a link to one of my favorite microcomputers. ODROID-XU3 Is the world's smallest and lowest cost octa-core computer. It's absolutely amazing how far our technology has come in such a short time.

Brief History of Computer Systems Software and Programming

Friday, August 1, 2014

Accessing android devices with gMtP

If you have been using an older Android device like I have and recently upgraded, you've probably noticed the new device is not plug and play for usb storage. New android devices use MTP and you will want to get a program called gMTP to access your android device. Also if you want to enable USB debugging on your Android device you'll want go into settings and tap the about phone option seven times. This will enable USB debugging.