Sunday, July 27, 2014

Installing Linux Software Notes

Here's my thing with Linux software installation. First I try apt-get to install it. Syntax is apt-get install <package name>
If that doesn't work I use apt-cache search <package name>
or I'll try software center open terminal and type software-center graphical installer will open if it is installed if not apt-get install software-center. If the programs are not available through software-center use synaptic. Open a terminal and type synaptic. If it is not installed type apt-get install synaptic. Then run it. Search for your package and install it. Most of the time it will automatically install dependencies. If this fails there's always downloading the tarball and tar xvf <package> cd into the package directory then into the source directory chmod 755 ./configure to make the configuration file work. Then run ./configure then make then make install. Qt installers are a little different or running qmake or cmake. The stuff can get confusing. quickly. Make sure to read the install instructions which you probably won't understand from the get go. Google search for the install instructions with valid command line syntax examples. At last resort using something like alien to convert rpm to deb or something stupid like that. Generally if you it is a .deb package it will install with dpkg -i <package> But if it need dependencies you'll have to track those down.

If people are talking about having installed the program and used it. Ask them to post their command line history that is about the easiest way to get install instructions. Open terminal issue history should show the last 500 things you did in terminal.

If a program doesn't install after a few hours of trying just about everything. Email the developer. Most people are pretty approachable and they want their software to be easy to use. It beats posting your question on a linux forum where you are likely to get flamed and not have your question answered at all.

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